Solo sojourn-tips for travelling single  

“How often I found where I should be going by setting out for somewhere else.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller.

We often spend days planning for trips with family or friends, stressing over details and strategizing every move, as if going on a war. But travelers all over the world invariably describe single travel as the most liberating experience ever. Not only do we gather more, we are also free of inhibitions and hence give full vent to our natural curiosity.

But like every good thing, it comes with certain perils of its own. Here are some tips that will help you to travel free without the fear of the unknown.

• Be safe- the primary concern for single people before a vacation is security. Though a single person can blend in easily than a group, yet they are far more vulnerable when it comes to handling scam artists or other troublemakers. Check out the following points for a safe travel

•Know beforehand how long it takes to reach your destination from the airport or the station and how much is the taxi fare. Equip yourself with GPS devices for confident navigation.

•Know about the timings of your hotel, so you don’t have to sleep someplace which is not your hotel bed, or worse, not a bed at all.

•Carry identification; avoid shady places, especially at night.

•Don’t carry loads of cash or wear flashy jewelry. Be as conspicuous as you can.

•Befriend everyone, trust no one- the greatest gift of travelling single is to meet new people, but you might not want to trust them too much. Keep your guard up, but don’t make it obvious. (Finish your drink first rather than carrying it to the loo so that it doesn’t get spiked.)

•Avoid experimenting too much- Though travelling is all about indulging in new sensory experiences, don’t go ordering the first dish that you come across in the menu, when you have no clue what it is. Talk to the waiter or manager about the constituents of the dish and order only if you think your system can tolerate that stuff.

•Be flexible- single travelers often end up paying much more than the actual rates as the tour operators and hotels inflate your bill to make up for the money they lost on the second occupant. Opt for roommate matching if you are comfortable with it. Find out in detail about the procedure followed to select roommates. Also, pack light. If you are ready to go at a moment’s notice, then you may avail the reduced prices given by tour operators on the last little availability.

Hope this article helps you as you venture out on a journey that might change you forever!


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